New car for me

Dude sometimes you just need to learn to cut your losses and get something better.

yeah im like 6’9 haha but yeah i def wanna see the truck but i love drifting i dont wanna get rid of the car

Just because you love drifting doesnt mean that getting rid of the car will kill it.

Sell it, buy another one thats mint or buy another car to drift with like a 240.

240 will be far cheaper to setup for drifting

yeah thats true but who would ever buy a crashed up rx7

sell it for parts or scrap it… it sucks but unfortunatly thats whatcha gotta do

yeah its rough i might throw it up on here but ya think anyone would buy??

find some RX7 forums and do it there… no one will buyt it from here

yeah i didnt think so… dude why are we dickheads to eachother haha your not a bad guy just love starting shit :rofl:rofl haha dont we all though

Dude if it’s already beat up it’s perfect for drifting! I beat the crap out of my car at the AIS drift event, came within a foot of plowing over a 55gal drum with my door! Smashed the intercooler and knocked my front alignment all to hell :lol

haha yeah i saw the pics on your build thread dude it sucks right? haha the only difference is you got money and a daily haha its hard im trying to fix it im better off getting a parts car and swapping front clips haha but idk what im gunna do i miss going drifting :‘(:’(

i would i already told you 800

I have a 94 corolla with 212k, runs great, needs nothing. $900

bring cash over right now ill drive the car to your house right now 800

i have a jet ski and shit i think im just gunna stick with lookin for a truck thanks though ill def keep it in mind

i can give you 500 when somone buys the bike.

300 short bossman

no bitch buy my fucking car

:rofl if its an AE86 corolla illl buy it

fine it is


i own a ferrai f40