New Car pics



looks pretty clean

yea it does, looks good man

sweet looks like a good find

needs HUD!:smiley:

looks clean!! seats are very very clean!!!

yeah im gonna be looking for that i also need remotes for the keyless entry… will any remote work?

i may have ones that will!

how much?

i work all week… so my next day off is sunday… maybe next week on a day off i can come down.


no cawk :confused:

:wtf: does that mean?

no charge

sweet ill buy yo a low carb beer? does that work?

he probably wants :gaysex: instead

feel free to go right ahead

only from u


anyway to get better reception form this poower antenna? i can barely pick up any stations… and if i can they are fairly static ridden. cleaned the antenna while it was up and didnt help… maybe new receiver? i have no clue i know my old olds had shitty reception too.