New color: N*gger Brown

I wouldnt, however Im trying to illustrate how dumb it is to make such a big deal out something relatively small in terms of racism. I can see if someone was attacking her personally or if the couch was on a billboard with that color name printed out. I agree that its wrong, but I think she is doing it more so to get attention and to try to gain something from it. Its more like stirring the pot, she should deal with it personally instead of causing drama on any level. It made its way here and some white guys laughed and some African American guy gets offended and here we are on page 5.

As long as she doesn’t try to sue the people, who cares. If that was me, and I was bothered, I’d just take it back to the store and get my refund. :shrug:

Racism will always exist, you just have to deal with it. Unfortunately.

Agreed on both statements.


You are with out a doubt 100% wrong. Racial slurs are racial slurs. No matter what the context a racial slur is a racial slur. White comedian, black comedian, chinese, arab, doesnt matter, material or not, you use a racial slur in your performace still a racial slur. BUT it is more accepted if a minority uses it against a non minority then if a non minority uses it against a minority. Period.

And to answer your comment about a comedian losing his/ her cool, a black comedian losing his cool on some white guys sitting in the crowd and calling them “look at the crackers, heys its a bunch of crackers” will not get in trouble. In fact most of the crowd will laugh at the white people in the crowd and the routine will continue. How do I know this? When I was at the comedy club in Canada there was a black comedian that was drunk and was getting hasseled and mocked by some white guy, the black comedian kept saying cracker this and cracker that and basically used the racial slurs against the white guy the whole time. I never woke up and so him on the Today show or Oprah apologizing for loosing his cool.:roll2:

I never said that a racial slur isn’t a racial slur. What I said was the context it’s used in will determine whether you get heat for it or not. No one is arguing what a racial slur is and what isn’t.

Probably because said comic was a nobody. Last I checked, Oprah doesn’t book second rate nobody comics from Canada on her show :roll:

And how do you know he didn’t get in trouble? Did you leave pissed off at the comic? Because if you did, you probably weren’t the only one. Which means others shared your take on the comic’s performance. Isn’t that all the trouble a comic needs? Losing his audience? How good of a comic can he have been if he was drunk on stage? Most good comedians I know and have seen can handle hecklers and don’t need to be drunk to be funny. You sure you were at comedy show and not some local block party talent show?

Why are you bring up comedians in a thread that has nothing to do with comedy?

What planet do you live on? Do they have good weed there? Mind sharing with the rest of us?

And exactly how often do you check that, Rick?

Quite often actually, I’m a big Oprah fan :bloated: :stuck_out_tongue:

ever read any of the printing on the electronics APC makes?

Holy fuck, almost gave me a seizure, looks like the translated it straight to english word for word, not even careing about placement or tense.

I can Gauruntee its a probably a printing error

OMG. My job ordered a big lot of some big APC 1400 Smart UPS a few years back and my co-worker was separating the cds from the manuals and tossing all the manuals in the garbage. I asked him why, and he took one of the manuals out of the garbage and handed it to me. I read up to about page 9, and then tossed the manual back into the garbage :lol:

Happens with All of my Airsoft stuff. Japanese, Taiwanese or Chinese directly translated.

for example word for word and spelled to the T. Wary be of aminals humans behind target shoot at you, for bbs may penetrate and strike aminals humans.

Rx3- how do I know he didnt get in trouble two months later I went back to the same club and the same comedian was doing the same routine. But no one was heckling him. Could not have got in much trouble.

So your point about how a racial slur is used determines how much heat you get? So if I was to call you a racial slur to your face or made a racial slur about you in a joke you would get more pissed at one then the other? No matter what context it is put in it shouldnt be said. Not by a rapper, not by the KKK not by some printer in county making tags for a couch. A racial slur is a racial slur, no matter what content and how much heat they get about it.

I love when I call you out and you make dumb statements like “what planet are you from?” :bloated:

You guys are still arguing about this?

There are better things to argue about, like whose dick is bigger or something.

yours is?

the biggest