New Daily Driver

yeah, he’s a pharmacist at UPMC Shadyside.

WTF are you talking about? I don’t even own a Golf, nor wings or carbon fiber anything, figure out what you are talking about before trying to be witty

I mentioned the fact of it being nearly as costly as the 3 series since every review I read made note of it, I don’t give a shit about your finances, I know you live in some shit hole down the city hence the badgewhoring, I’m not jealous since I don’t need an expensive or fast car to make up for an incredibly small penis and of course I know your boyfriend Val would be defending you, in the end the BMW does suit you since well this explains it!


in the end I felt like starting this cause I was tired of seeing the “you have not posted in awhile” crap at the top of the screen…

have a nice day fuckstick:finger:

you’re quite the dude to call something ugly… is that not hypocrisy at its core?

  1. you said “that costs as much” so don’t back peddle you fucking pussy.

  2. you ‘know’ i live in the city as much as you have taste or class… which is zero, i live in the north hills. fuck yourself.

  3. your cars are laughable… as is your life, your comments and generally everything about you.

  4. my ‘boyfriend’ val is a friend… you wouldn’t know what that is because you’re a piece of shit jealous asshole of whom no one likes (shocking huh?)…

i don’t need to read reviews to ‘know’ things… for example, no where is it printed that you are a cocksucker with shitty cars and a raging case of jealous homosexuality, however it is quite true and accurate.

if the bmw suits me how about the vws and the audi? am i some flamer like all vw owners??? maybe…? at least i have nice cars… not a pile of shit and a ford focus. :kekegay:

get back in the kiddie pool or do us a favor and end your life.

next please.


your just a little man that needs fast expensive cars to make himself feel big. I just figured I would burst your little bubble of “look at me I spent a crap load on an overpriced badge and everybody bow down at my greatness” your still a prick will always be a prick and I don’t give a shit if you went out and bought a Porsche GT3.

glad you judge you life on having nice cars, have fun with that…

i do judge ‘me’ life on many things…

little man that needs expensive cars… no… how about successful man that buys expensive cars? don’t worry… some day you’ll get to my level and… well… actually no, no you won’t ever get there, but i’m sure you can read about it in a review!

you’d also assume that on an automotive forum that the conversation at hand would involve cars… imagine that, people that actually buy and work on cars for a hobby… try it sometime. but see my other post and vastly improve on taste and class first (if possible).

i think the title of the post is called “New Daily Driver”… quite the expression starving for attention :weak:

Are you sure you will be able to handle the embarrassment as me and Bobby Sue blast past your little blue Bavarian buttplug?

:finger: anxiously awaiting


well I own a house with 3 garages for all my “POS rides” so guess I have higher goals in my life than owning some ugly BMW. And success is measured on a variety of levels not just how much money you make, so keep thinking cause I make X amount of dollars and can buy a badgewhoring car that makes me stand out like a cock I’m a great success, I laugh at your pettiness…

dude… you are clearly delusional… you came in here to hate on me and it has backfired time and time again. This thread is about my daily driver… not my assets or status in life…lol… you took it there, and best bet is to back off. Trust me; you are way out of your league.

Just whoring through. It’s a nice ride. Would it be my first choice if I was in that price range? Well, I don’t know. But I do know if I was in the same position and I have the means then I’m gonna drive something nice and is all around a good daily driver car.

I didn’t really see much bragging in the thread, but a whole lot of hating.

He does work on his cars…you know putting stickers on it and tile and ish into the trunk, maybe he thinks that’s the garage ?? then taking pictures of it with the awesome paint job :greddy:

Nice top of the line tunes buddy…

Working on his car some more:

Oh, and last but not least, you drove a pink car for like 10 yrs. Man were yoiu proud of that beastly automatic :eek4dance

Nothing is funnier than a pi§§ed-off BMW driver pretending he is not.

nice choice dude!


I’m sure alot of wreches are gonna be turned on a brand new BMW esp. with the free maint. ass

go back to not driving your 1.8t that doesn’t leave the garage

euro fag fights are the best. :bowdown:

I can play this game too, oh look body kits are cool, even my pink auto didn’t have an “awesome” ricer kit!

archives bound!