New Daily Driver

:rofl: i almost forgot why pittspeed rules

and you guys act like I give a shit what a bunch of adolence fucksticks that have nothing more important to do than post on pittspeed everyday have to say about anything, sorry but I don’t give a shit about you opinions and in seeing that I have hardly any posts since I joined this site shows that I must not have the time or the energy for these antics, have fun guys


I just wanted to thank Sonny for putting up the 30k+ on the car that was needed to start this thread! Its great! You should buy new cars more often!

:rofl: :mullet:

I can’t believe this thread…

Meanwhile, you have had more posts in this thread than I have in this forum for years. All of which are full of jealously. Lets check your Vortex post count you whore… which makes you even more :gaysex:


go hang out with ying and STFU nobody cares, and you have so little posts cause you didn’t give a shit about cars till you meet pete, funny how that is huh!? going from some beat-ass audi you didn’t give a shit about that you got from daddy to your GTi with the boost guage

HAHA! If only you knew what you were talking about.

Are we forgetting about the PINK Jetta you were so proud about?

Enough said.

why edit, why not just lock it

why are you posting here faggot? you still have yet to address my questions about you back peddling your responses like the huge fucking pussy that you are. The fact that you try to speak intellegently but can’t even muster up 2nd grade grammar, should tell the tale. The simple fact that you came in here as the most petty and jealous person i’ve ever encountered then tried to efight someone that doesn’t care if you are dead or alive was an obvious bad decision.

wake up asshole, you, your ugly cars and miserable life greatly increase my pleasure throughout the day, i spend time venting about assholes like you, but once people get an indepth insight as to how people like you act , it brings me nothing but joy.

so why lock it? Go ahead and type up a response… make it personal, i don’t care… dont you have a house and 3 car garage you can hang yourself in?

b/c nobody wants you to get out of this that easy…

Your girl is probably the nastiest I’ve seen posted on pittspeed, your car is even worst than her.

IDK - I guess I understand where you are coming from though; if I was married to her I would be fucking miserable and jealous too.

Hey, what do ya know… we finally agree on something :bigthumb:

I leave for a few days and come back to this? This is classic material right here.

Sonny, gorgeous car, I keep hearing about those things being monsters with a few bolt ons, I hope to hear the same from you.

As for this veedub kid, who the fuck are you? I don’t even know who you are but it seems to me your just a jealous penis-envying punk kid. You’ve done nothing but attack people that apparently have nice shit than you own, which in mine as well as everyone else’s eyes makes you a jealous bitch. Just do yourself a favor and delete your name on here, it would be the best thing you could do.

I love seeing pictures of my car, so keep posting them!!! Those are DE wheels, but I guess you wouldn’t know as they didn’t come on POS 2.0 8v’s

I am glad you would rather own a focus, that’s your own prerogative considering that’s it’s your OPINION, just like it was Sonny’s to buy the daily driver that he did. You have no input here, just trolling around because you realize that your life sux, don’t take it out on anyone but yourself :weak:

because this isn’t whoretex…and if you come to flame you will be powned as you have been since the first post :stick:

wont give you the time of day, have fun talking to yourselves kids, 2 can play the edit game!

A+ thread. will read again!

i need to buy new cars more often. :slight_smile:

i guess you’ve learned your lesson.

and how much time of your day aren’t you giving me?

Epic fucking thread.

Nice car Sonny.