New driver


if you are a male and own a Delsol, you should probably just go ahead and get the surgery to make yourself a woman, you are already halfway there anyway.

Good luck Jeff…Damn I didnt realize you were that old.

When I turned 16 I was given my dad’s '92 Buick LeSabre that hardly ran. I needed a car as I played sports in HS and both my parent’s worked so there was no way they could pick me up. I’m only 24 now, but I see nothing wrong with a 16yr old having a car if there is a need for it. However, if they get a car, it should not be new or any where close to being new. Nothing peeves me more than 16yr old kids driving around in brand new BMW’s.

If you can’t afford another car or she doesn’t need a car (for a job or if she’s not really involved in school, etc), then she doesn’t get one.

If you do want her to have a car, I think there are two options…1) buy her a car that runs well and is in half decent shape, as i mentioned before, it shouldn’t be any where close to being new. this should be cheap to buy and cheap to insure/maintain. perfect car is an old civic IMO. 2) tell her an amount you are willing to put towards a car for her and say that if she want’s a nicer car than what that amount can get, she has to pay for the balance. this would be a decent way for her if she really wants the eclipse. this way she has to work for something that she wants and at the same time her parents help her out. (or you can say you will match how ever much money she raises to get a car).

I’ve said that same thing several times. Inexpensive & reliable.

We’ve managed to handle both of us working and getting to/from sports practices fine so far, but we’ll see. This is all still a ways off anyway since she has at least 6 months until she even has a license.

And bics, you were right, I’m not that old. :smiley: And of course there’s my boyish looks…

well i just turned 17 last week and the day i turned 16 i had my permit i wanted my own car so bad so my mom and opted to get the loan for a car if i would repay it. i ended up with a 4 dr 98 civic with a 5 spd cheap on gas cheap on insurance and cheap on maintenance. my payments were 168 a month and i payed for it and split insurance. Im now 17 and work at local tire center and make 9.25 now that im makin decent money and my civics payed off i want to get an srt4 which they also plan on helping me get. so i mean get her the money for a car and make her repay and if she doesnt take the car from her. So in that case make sure shes gets a car you wouldnt mind driving :rofl:

16-18 yr old kids with fast cars scare the crap out of me. i remember how stupid i was driving during those times and i can’t believe i didn’t lose my license. that was while i was driving an oldsmobile too.

Agreed, stupid kids and fast cars are those prom night stories you hear of drunks wrecking into trees and killing 5 people.

If you can front the cash and she wants an eclipse make it like a loan from you that way she doesn’t have lame interest to pay on but can get what she wants and pay monthly so she gets used to that for the future, and ofcourse take that shit away if she doesn’t pay haha…if she gets something she doesn’t want she won’t take care of it and it’s going to fall apart in months and not be worth jack shit…idk just my thoughts, i had a piece of garbage at 16 haha

thats what my mom and dad did for me and it seemed to work out great hopefully it works for the srt4:x:

my first car was a 79 Cadillac Sedan Deville…it was a monster, not very fast, and would survive just about anything a 16y/o could dish out to it. I had it when I lived in Phoenix, but I could not afford to bring it back to PA with me when we moved back here, so when we got back, my mom gave me her 93 TBird with a 5.0 in it. Stupidest moved she could have made, it wasn’t a racecar by far, but had a decent bit of power, I was too young to have something like that, and I ended up rolling it over an embankment and almost died…so stick with a bigger car that doesn;t have alot of power until she has about a year or two of driving experience.