New Email/Penny Saver Scam ....

So my grandmother called me today about a ad in the penny saver about FREE Yorkie puppies. She asked me to email the owner and get some more information on them. So I did. And this is what I got back…

Greetings to you from the house of the lord,

How are you today, hope fine? thanks for your urgent response and interest in taking and creating a good home and care for our babies and i hope their save will be fine with you.My adorable Yorkshire Terrier (puppies) are still very much available for adoption. they are 18weeks old and both home trained and outdoor trained also playful with other animals and kids. The male named (cached) weigh 2lbs and the female named (Terra) weigh 2.5lbs and will weigh big when fully grown. they are both A K C registered and shots are given up to date and both home trained. both of them are my darling sweetheart and super spoiled! They both have a sweet personality and loves to play and be carried around.

All papers will accompany the puppies when shipped to you, Due to our long staying over here in Africa, and the bad weather my wife and I have concluded to get good home and care for our babies. We are not charging or selling them to you for money but to save their life’s saved and care for them so this means that, you and i will be paying for the shipment of the puppies to you. they are VET checked, but right now we are in Africa on a Christian mission with my wife and 3 kids together with Terra and Cached, we have the puppies right here with us.

We are going to ship to you via a Diplomatic Courier Service Company with Express Delivery on next day delivery, if you are really interested in having my little babies, i want you to get back to me with your full Name , Home Address, direct contact phone number and name of the nearest Airport to you. Please if you know that you are not capable of taking very good care of my babies, do not reply me because i am giving them out because of bad condition and we’re spending months for the christian mission and i don’t Terra and Cached to die in this bad weather. And because we don’t have time to take care of them due to the missionary work before us here. They are priceless to me,therefore i am giving both for free, so i will like you to get back to me with your full name and full address including your nearest airport so that i can find out shipping cost, I want you to know that you and i are paying for the shipping cost of the puppies shipment to you.

I’ve attached pics of Cached and Terra.

Rev Tony.
“I can do all things through Him
who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)

Of the 3 pictures they attached NONE of the puppies look to be the same dog?!?! I think its a scam, why need my FULL name and FULL address??

Whats your thoughts?

i would assume this is a scam

Edit: Please thank me for my urgent response :slight_smile:

how would it be a scam if theyre free lol

He wants her info, idk maybe Im wrong but why ship them from Africa to the U.S?

Also, “Rev Tony”, he talks so proper through out the whole letter and then ends with Rev Tony.

Deebo…did you read it at all??? :banghead: :mamoru:

I would “split” shipping next day delivery from AFRICA!?!?

its a scam, I mean COME ON.

are you serious?

justa4door is she serious?

LOL i thought he was paying for it, i saw the last sentence but i thought he jus had bad english :picard:

well then yea its a scam lmao

Tell Rev Tony you want to see a picture with the puppies and him in front of a bunch of African village people, holding a sign that says “Rev Tony’s Dawgs Yo”. If he does that Ill believe.

This was in the Salamanca penny saver…those of you not familiar with it, its like 4 pages. I was very surprised!

I retract my statement about proper grammer… but still ha

what part of shipping puppies from africa even makes you think for a second that this is legit lmao

Too funny. Specially because shipping live animals from any country, SPECIALLY Africa, is a total bitch.

Love the part about a “diplomatic courier”. that shit cracked me up

Give them a friends address and name

Yeah they probably want you to pay shipping costs, or cash a fake check for them…

^^ bingo

Uhh and regardless you can’t just ship animals internationally with out a lot of BS

lol got the dogs in the mail…


but really funny shit for this to be in the paper …

how would they list an add in Salamanca Penny Saver anyway?

this is not a new scam.

They were trying to pull the same shit on craigslist in the pet section like 2 years ago.

they would ship possible food out of the country? Come on how fucking stupid are some people?