New Era Open House and BBQ - Friday, November 9th, 2007

New Era Performance Open House and BBQ
Friday, November 9th, 2007
5ish til ???

Come check out the new shop located at:
1322 Buffalo Rd (Behind 1350, Toper Business Park)
Rochester, NY 14624

We will be having a get-together along with some food and drinks.
Come hang out, check out the shop, eat, drink, and meet some new people!

We will provide burgers and dogs, but we ask that you bring a dish or snack to pass.

Also, please bring whatever you like to drink, we will have soda etc, but bring whatever beer and liquor you like.

If you have any questions or need help with directions, please call the shop (585) 865-1832 or email us at
Just post if you think you can make it so we can get an idea of how many people are going to be able to make it.


ill try to make it been wanting to check this place out for awhile

I’m in, as long as I’m in town.

i’ll try and make it out but i dont get out till 6

Cal if you want to drive up at 6 im down.

Get here when you can, im sure we’ll be going for a while!

burnouts in the parking lot

ugh i’m come out but it’s my fathers birthday…Have fun boys the shop was awesome when i was there!

we should get the new chain for the go kart so we can do laps.

I’ll try and stop out.


I’m in, as long as I’m in town.


Can I ride wit’ cha? :smiley:

I don’t think the 240 can make it there and back


we should get the new chain for the go kart so we can do laps.



My car will probably still be sitting around in the lot without a transmission or something. I’ll prob come in the winter ride.


Can I ride wit’ cha? :smiley:

I don’t think the 240 can make it there and back


Sure, but the Jeep is the only car around now. :frowning:

I should be in, as long as work doesn’t make me go out of town. Will the Dyno be open? I kinda wanna see what the winter beast puts down.

your going out of town ill bet my left nut on it lol

Dyno will be for seating purposes only! Haha, no dyno pulls this night…stay tuned for dyno days though!


just a bump for the new week. Cookout is friday, just gauging who is all in!

<—in, but i’m gonna be late, work til 6ish. Going with Paul.

See… I wanted to come out and dyno too. :frowning:

I can fit some people if I end up coming out. but I’ll only come if studderin isn’t gonna be there.
