New facebook homepage


Nothing is the same and more bugs then ever. Why not just stay with something ppl are used to and works?

Facecrack is Uber gay.

Confusing as FUCK!

tooo drunk to care

Well excuseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee me,

Mr, Imaunderagegiraffethatthinksitscooltodrink.


fagots shutup

No idea what youre talking about because nothing changed for me


same here… looks the same.

[rant] Why does everyone always whine about this? They make a change that turns out to be better in the end and takes 30 seconds to learn and your e-life goes back to normal. You all officially need more important things in your life to worry about. [/rant]

Mine looks the same too? wierd.

yea mine has not changed…

and I agree with JClark

Grrr!!! I know, I do NOT like it, it was a pain in the ass to find everything and the APP’s just DO NOT work.

BIG dislike button.

what’s this facetube thing you’re all talking about?

Your wife is on your page more then your on it

Just to let everyone know, if your trying to get ahold of adam, he forgot his cell phone AGAIN!


Let it be known that my wife made my facebook page, not I. I prefer to be as “unavailable” as possible.
