New from Churchill

I forgot that I registered for this forum awhile ago. I was reminded of it yesterday when I ran into some people when I was heading back from Verona. Anyway, I’ll be moving to the DC area pretty soon, and I just wanted to say ‘hello’ before I post up a thread selling some things.

I have some audio equipment xxxxxx Thanks everybody, hopefully I can attend a meet before I leave.

Yeah so I don’t have permission to post in the classified section. What is the minimum post count? It did not say in the message or on the sticky at the top of the forum. Thanks!

So you just joined to sell stuff.
Please go fuck yourself

You have to be a donating member to sell stuff on the forum.

and to give me something to do at work :slight_smile: I’ll still be around for awhile as the job market isn’t that great, so I’d like to attend some events while I’m here and help out if I can.

How do you go about donating money?

Thanks for the welcome??

Welcome …

i’m sure theres a stickie in the classified section explaining the process for donating…or DO A search

whats up guys and girls! just wanted to say yo and thanks for havin me. a few of yinz know who this is and if you dont im not as bad as eveyone makes me sound.

LIAR…i know u & u are as bad as everyone makes you sound …lol

