New from MDSS

hey guys, i just saw the behind the scenes pinks video that my buddy posted. my friend is friends with whitey and i figured i would check out this site/forum. The site looks great. I run a online auto enthusiast community for Maryland called MD Street Scene (

I dont really have a fast car but here is a pic of me and the ride…

I hope to meet some cool people on here and maybe have a big meet sometime with a bunch of Pitt People and MD People. - Pat(Ten94Tuner)

i will post up a mod list later in another section on the forum



thanks guys for the welcome.



are there any european cars on here? like vw/audi? wonderin if anyone is going to H20 in Ocean City for the VW/Audi Show this weekend

welcome:beer: please take darkstar!

welcome, i have a great friend and customer from Ocean City, he owns charlies bayside… Thought maybe you would know were it is, anyways welcome



welcome, nice vw.

thanks guys. where do you all hang out at? do you have meets or anything? id like to come to some of these meets and meet some new people


There our alot of people on here with Vdubs and audis. That and also that are going to H2O… Welcome btw :bigthumb: nice dub

WELCOME…you’ll fit in well…there are lots of VW’s on the board…

also there are some get togethers coming up soon check it out here is one:

NICE, CLEAN VW by the way!!

Welcome…sharp VW
