new from schenectady


wow, this is awesome. I’m definitely team wheels for this one… seems like a funny and good dude. This S4 kid with only K04’s seems to be a real character.

V Personal Threat V


oh my god

i had to get out of bed after reading half this thread on my phone to post the following info…

, i know this kid… really really well


ill edit after i collect all my thoughts

even given this the kid is very much in the wrong on his actions not only with wheels but his shenanigans on this forum.

yessss negged dickbag op in the red

I hope I see this ass clown out now

Holy, so that was a fun read.


im waiting for him to get back at me through either facebook or email before i say anything more…

I want to know who else was in the car and if he lies i really cant help him out

I wont be deleting the thread because its blown way out of control and its just not possible to do that right now…

all threats about taking whatever to the police are not valid and will not hold any weight to them so dont bother , we have been through the police thing so many times… no one has anything to report here.

when i was reading this thread it was hard for me to not stop and post… it angers me that someone would fuck with our dude hotwheels, especially in a scenario like that

CJ, you need to calm down and be honest at this point these dudes get really rowdy and for a good reason… if i didnt know you myself i’de definitely want to kill you right about now… the story from that night isnt sounding too good and i have a bunch of questions myself.

everyone else should chill out if you can, I understand you wanna murder the dude but he is in fact a small kid and definitely makes mistakes, im not expecting forgiveness because this situation is so fucked up i dont know what to say until i get more info

god damn !

Singh ban 1

trust me i feel all you, im not saying the dude is right by any means but i wanna know a couple things from him first before i decide what to do

waiting for him to get back to me is taking forever, ill give him to tomorrow

I hear ya. You do realize this is like danglin a white baby over a cage of pit bulls from the ghetto dont you?

i really do, i really really do… and you gotta see my perspective because i know exactly who he is and up until hearing this news I never thought anything wrong of him, so its hard to snap around and jump in with you guys before getting all the facts

but ya hes fucked

I understand what youre saying.

Some people make mistakes. Some are just…really bad.

LOL wut, op deserves an ol fashioned ass whoopin and his internet privileges taken away. Fucking clownshoe, you fuck with wheels…you fuck with almost this whole website…

Except Petard.

found his fb page from singhs page

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better not be in my criminology class tomorrow


i figured you would find his profile from mine, it is what it is

i guess CJ was also drinking that night according to another buddy of mine, so if thats the case alot more of this story makes sense…


:bowdownsuch a great movie