new from schenectady

Jeez, I look like I tool because I was civil with this cholo… Sorry guys.


Woah WTF did I miss here??? :wow

as it would seem you missed tough guy trolls trolling tough guy trolls
dear 2.7
stop acting like a internet tough guy
stop acting like a RL tough guy with your friends to mentally handicapped people

Dear friend of the Mentally Handicapped person
stop acting like an internet tough guy
you look like a fucking retard feeding the troll
both of you are on = levels of retardation and neither of you deserve to live
please kill yourself s now

as in right fucking now

Trowing around the term troll and you have one post…

thats right ill throw around whatever word i damn well please with as many posts as i damn well please

And your input counts towards anything? No one even knows who you are. Like the 19 other choads who joined this forum just to post/read in this thread.

Keep trolling around, tool.

1: i dont need your permission to troll

2:you sound extremely mad buttranched over this whole argument, i would be too if my friends were myopic twat waffles who dont know the common procedure to follow after a traffic collision or know how to drive by the laws of the roads

3: alot of car foums have caught wind of everyone’s faggotry in this thread some like to remind you all of your extreme retardation, i would feel bad if i were you for this as well

Ignore this troll, the story hit 4chan.

Fully support you guys. This idiot kid is lucky no one has showed up at his house yet.
How goes the letters to his dad?

  1. I am not friends with either of these people.

  2. I am not butthurt as it does not involve my friends, nor I.

  3. I did not contribute to any part of this nonsense, other then welcoming the OP before the truth came out that he does not even own said car.

Yet we still have you, the hero here…why?

ignore this kid
he thinks manual explorers are more magicly prone to tipping than automatic explorers

IF you were to get technical, the auto would be less prone to flipping because the extra wight of the automatic transmission. Would be a very slight difference though.

I think it’s evident by our posts who’s the child here.

On the subject, many people now know Colin Kaehler for the immature child he is. I think it would interesting for this thread to continue to see if he can manage to back-pedal and apologise enough to stop a large portion of the internet thinking he’s a wigga who hates people with disabilities.
I’d make it quick if i were him, because /b/ is known to go after the actual person last. They start with the close family members first, such as the parents or siblings.

Wow, more children…

because the weight difference between the two is enough to cause tipping amirite?
if you are at the point of tipping in an SUV then its going to tip regardless of the kind of transmission you have
nice try though

hey guize. what’s going on in here


The more weight something has the harder it is to tip. End of story, idiot. Go back to high school.

And another…

wow super cool story brah
the way it should have played out the second his bumper touched should have gone like this

>take out cell phone
>call police
>see guy gets bat out
>tell police he has a bat
>drive off while on phone with police telling them you fear for your life


cool story bro but i dont think you know how the laws of physics work on rounded objects like wheels do you?