new from schenectady

and what about your badass friends that are going to be looking for us?

well when your cousin aka best friend commits suicide you tend to get a little bi polar

they went back to kentucky

that sucks but still seems completely irrelevant to what happened with wheels and this forum

it greatly influenced the way i was acting i’ll put it that way

In other words, his cousin committed suicide, he decided to go out drinking with the buddies, and being that this was the first time he consumed alcohol, he was unaware of the affects and how he would act, which resuleted in him being a complete douche.

… Sorry if that came off more like a dick statement than i meant it to…

Sorry for your loss, seriously… an old friend of mine commited suicide over teh summer, its not easy

FYI… Alcohol is a big downer.

yah… he needs uppers like tony yayo :excited:excited:excited

and im not 17 and in highschool. im 19 and in college

know who vanessa cooke is?

elizebeth cooks sister?


then nah i dont

IMO you don’t owe me an apology, I could give half a shit what you said to me. The shit with wheels is inexcusable, though. I really dunno what to say. If you’re cool with wheels, then I’m just w/e. Don’t say hi to me though, I certainly don’t want anything to do with you either way.

my status on facebook is blowing up harder than this thread, i hope they chill the fuck out to be honest its starting to irritate me

anyways glad the temperature came down a bit over here

oh ya and wayne is crazy as FUCK


not for long. Its too cold outside so Im about ready to make it go back up in here!!!

whats your status on facebook? I cant find it.

its linked right there you derpmaroretard.
