New From Troy

How do you feel about full frontal male nudity?

ill do the first pic to test .

Hoosick really is bad. I usually drive through Frear Park to avoid most of the craters.

i went to voorheesville but i pretty much live in guilderland

oh well i live right on hoosick at troy gardens so cant really avoid driving on hoosick lol

I grew up going to voorheesville until sixth grade than moved to guilderland, when did u graduate from voorheesville?


oh ok cool stuff

Ok i hate my life lol bent and cracked another one of my rims on saturday night when my friend was driving my car home from downtown albany. So now i will just be selling my two good tenzo dc-5 rims and getting different ones from my friend in japan lol

size tires on there?

That sucks dude. Was nice meeting you at the cruise the other day. Car looked good


yeah it does and it was nice meeting everyone at the meet, now I know there is somewhat of a car scene here but it is nothing like NJ.

yo i want all your tires! how much?

lol no my nitto’s are not for sale sorry

that cruise was nothing as far as the car scene goes around here…

come out on a summer night when we all go out for some late night fun…

Yea that was a last hoorah for those that had free time and their cars still together

damn alright

they will be going on my new rims whenever i get new ones, for now they are chillin in my dad’s shed. if i change my mind and dont get rims i will let you know though

Ok so here is a question which license plate do you think is better LOL CYA or ILL MS3 vote which you like better