New girl in Waterford, NY.. **no 56K**

Whats going on? My name is Katie, I have a 06 AWD 3SS TBSS. I am on a few other forums and just found out about this one… I figured I may as well come over here as well to see about meets and what not…

I have CAI, E-Fan, 160T, res delete Tune by Matt at TTP in Toms River, NJ. She pulled 328/332 on his AWD Mustang dyno.

And am planning out the next project now :thumbup

And I know everybody always want pics… so here you go…

Glad I’m not the only girl who would drive an SUV.
Granted TBSS is a bad ass SUV, still. You see where I’m going with this.

My new bff? :lol Love the SS! Welcome!

Steve, you whore.

Bump for a hot car and a hot chick !

You ever run it at LVD?

um we need to meet

Trail blazer SS’s are badass…me and my girl almost bought one about 2 months ago for a DD but we couldnt get one fast enough when they arrived to the dealers. Those things sell crazy fast. God I love them.

Im pretty familier with waterford. Where about’s do you live??

lol… I love it…

ha… Thanks I love the SS as well…

Thank you… and no not yet… been working on getting the hubbys project done and didn’t want to break mine out there in the meantime lol… Not saying I plan on breaking it, but if I am gonna run at the track I’m going all out …

And really want more power before I get out there…

I searched for about 2 years to find one and actually have a chance to buy it… Found this one last October the same day the lot got it and bought it the next day lol…

Live behind the police station…

waterford police are dick heads so be aware!

God I hate them.

I searched for a white or black AWD SS for about 3 weeks and gave up. I would find one, call up the dealer and it would be sold already. Talk about frustration.

How many miles are on your SS?

love the SS!

How you doin’

HA… they love me… they all sit and chat with us at night… or when we are partying… and whenever I am speeding through Waterford (so basically every night on my way home) i just get a smile and a wave… lol… helps that they park right next to my parking lot so i know there cars and they know mine lol

Unfortunatly I am at like 56K… I drive alot… I am sure you have all probably seen me at some point…

LOL if her hubby is a cop

LOL… thanks!

Ha… hows it going?

well they hate me. I cant even drive through waterford anymore without getting harassed. Assholes lol

I guess its a good thing to make friends with them tho if your partying right across the street!

haha… that would actually be pretty damn funny…

what? her husband is a cop? lol

damn I better shut my mouth!!!

Hypothetical. :rofl
You’re safe Drew.

Yea… With both of having modified cars we thought it’d be in our benefit to get to know some of them as soon as we moved up there… we use to live on lark street and the cops all could care less what you did…

Albany cops. :hug

That’s all I got.

How’d you end up coming across our site?