New Girl =)

so vvtcelica how r u and mcfluffy doin ?

GETtin a little fluffy penor ar ya

Yea I made a whole thread on it. Im Assistant Manager at Mavis Discount Tire in Niskayuna

Nice! :thumbup

haha… how did i miss this? you may have a pm?! lol

haha i may share pics we will see…

Pix or BAN!! :lmao

lol we will see… most likley i will post 1 or 2…

I was referring to the e-attention :lol

Katey can take a joke way better then these young newbs


So where’s the pics? This girl hot or what?

i know right

oh you mean you were joking about the steelies? they do look good? :rofl

they are in her album…

The steelies are dope

ok im here now guys.

couple things:

I drive a bmw, try not to ruin your panties.

I challenge you to a boob-off. You show first.

Lose the taillights, I don’t care if you ‘like them’.


But isnt that BMW motorless and a grandma color?

gold for the hunnies

he’ll have more fun in that car in 20 minutes than you’ve ever had in the rustang

The Mustang isnt fun so thats no big thing.


at least i have fun in my overpriced car :rofl