New Girl =)

Thankss =)

Haha i would have bought one of those over this in a heart beat, there wasnt one around here for miles and miles. have to learn to love what you have =P

good impression of playing dumb =) if your playing

:haha:sHa_rofl::sHa_rofl: AGREED with the little idiot celica<3


Thanks so much for the warm welcome, Cody!

Silents old and sick so he’s mad he didn’t hang out with us last night :hug


thanks ass :lmao






the internet.

ur the damn creeper:crazy:shifty



Haha i would have bought one of those over this in a heart beat, there wasnt one around here for miles and miles. have to learn to love what you have =P

you sound like a mother that has a child with DS

a car is a car, if you arent 100% happy with it at time of purchase you never will be, and why start with the inferior platform and rework in attempt to make it close to an original turbo model.

deff never said i wasnt happy with it. i love the car…but if this was sitting next to a gsx on the lot i would have picked the gsx. all of you have cars stuck up your asses if you need to jump my cock every time i say something. cars arent my life… i dont care if my car is turbo or not…im driving it…thats all i need.

not to sound like a bitch… but so are you a girl or a guy?


with a name like moses, id hope she has a red sea to part :rofl

kdubs gettin em realllllllll good