New Guy From East Greenbush

Yeap, Im I just found this forum. Idk if anyone remembers me, I was the guy at Kohls with the 1999 Civic HX with the two tone red and black paint. I also drove a 1983 Thunderbird up there a couple weeks ago and now Im drivin a Saab 900 SE Turbo.


pics of rides?? - 1998 Saab - My Old Civic


1998 Saab 900 SE Turbo

My Old 1999 Honda Civic HX
before I sold her


Welcome I also live In EG.

what you drive? ever chill at dunkin?

  1. look at his sig for what he drives

  2. no paul walker is way to old to hang out at dunkin donuts with the other 16 year olds

whys everyone so rude on here?

cuz itz duhh internetzz y00

your posts on here make yourself look like a complete ricer/idiot/pr combination

well im not a ricer… i drive a german car thats bone stock. an idiot? idk much about that, maybe i dont know how to use the forum yet because im new, but not an idot. and a PR? Puerto Rican? Im italian, and white and proud of it

You do not drive a German car.

Saabs are Swedish, meaning theyre from Sweden.

Lmao Brew…

Some one got shut down.

dude honestly… last like 2 weeks on here and then your good… everyone goes through a hazing… if you make it then you will start to get the jokes… if you don’t make it then the forum was here before you, and will be here after you

you pick which one you want to do… this is super SRS

yeah i was wrong on that one ill give it to you. Atleast Its not a Honda though…

nothing wrong with a nice Honda. Some members here have some really nice and quick Honda’s and theyre not complete ricers.
