New guy from Latham

Hey everyone my name is Jared, I’m 20 and from Latham. Just got myself a “new” MkIV jetta 2.0. Love it.

I’m in nursing school hence the name Kazzthemurse.

soooo word.


i bet u hope for male nurses everytime u go in ! :rofl j/k

welcome to the site buddy! be careful…its addicting

Welcome. Where are you going for school?


Welcome to the site!


I’m over at Ellis Hospital. Loving it. Starting in the neurological unit this week :tup:

and should I ask duke?

we have another murse on the forums, his name is “code blue” or something like that, i’d steer clear of him…

Talk to CodeBlue, hes the resident gay male murse. :lol


God damn it krammer beat me by like .01 sec!


Wait kazz you work at Ellis? You have to know a buddy of mine that works in the recovery room.




Wow… I can foresee you and i getting along just fine!!! LOL

I’m a female LPN. and I also own a VW (MkIV GTI) ! haha

Welcome! :thumbup

I LOVE male nurses! lol I hated being with so many females but LOVED being a nurse… the trade off is when you get a male nurse to work with!

no I dont work there, just go to school there. I dont have time to work there lol.

I made that mistake my first time around college. burned myself out :frowning:

haha awesome! The girls enjoy picking on me but its all in good fun! you can often see my boxers through my scrub pants, so every day they try to guess what I’m wearing.

you should hangout with s on ROFL! that is of you don’t already haha.

Welcome to the party…