
What “actions” do you mean will give him a bad rep? I’m sorry, usually I do not get involved in this ridiculous shit, but this is out of line. You had no reason to point a finger and accuse him of a crime.

It is hard to see in a thread what to believe and what is fact, or a joke, or what, but from where I sit on this one you had no reason to say those things. I think it makes you look bad to actually accuse - in print - people that you don’t even know of being criminals because they had other things to do besides sign on to this forum.

Everyone -
Not everyone is a criminal, not every 17 year old is a punk, Lets just welcome a new member and move on. And we WILL find those kids, I want to help with it too. Let’s focus on that so we can get it solved. We need to scare the shit outta those kids somehow.