New guy moving to the Albany Area

Nothing wrong with woodchucks… :rofl

Yeah right!!! LOL I doubt the wife would let that fly especially since she’s not sure where in the Albany area she’ll end up working yet.

Welcome to the forums. If you need a Realtor I would check as we have dealt with him for multiple properties and have always had good luck. Also nice dsm’s I use to own a few but have steered away from them recently.

I love the DSM’s and my favorite is the Spyder even though it’s stock and slow as hell. But my evo is just way too much fun. I love it way more then any DSM…

Danny Glover, Samuel L Jackson, and Jackie Chan.

Gotta kill one, fuck one, marry one…

Kill Danny Glover (his movies suck), fuck Samuel L Jackson (like family guy said he’s in everything in the porno episode) and marry Jackie Chan (he would make a serious bodyguard/wife)\


welcome aboard to the shitshow we call shift518
hopefully youll get something sick going around here

welcome to the site and area(soon enough). pics of evo…

welcome to the party

Is there any particular reason not to live in/near Pittsfield?

Wife will be working in Albany area and not sure where yet, so from Pittsfield to say Rotterdam or Schnectady it would be a long haul for her. But we don’t know where she will end up just yet. I know where I’ll be. Just seems to be easier…

I added a couple pics of my current toys to the first post. Don’t mind the evo under the cover. I wont even mention the other hiding in the garage :tongue

Nice! :clap