new guy on the block

hey was wondering where the local meets are and and tryna get to kno some people im tryna stay sane so if there are any crews out here or someone willing to network with me muchappreciated for any info let me kno please.

What happened to the 5 post rule? Who’s Tryna?

You should check out the Hurtin Feelinz car crew.

i heard hurtin feelinz is recruiting yo

Hurtin feelinz is the shiznit yo, my grampa and pops were members and now i have become one, we be pimpmin down corrigan and liberty ave on da hawt summa nites and gotz mad hizoes ridin dirty wit us, tell awl yer boyz to hit us up on myspace! Fo real! Peace out

I heard there is going to be a 3-way turf war / melee with BLLP, Hurtin Feelinz, and Pittsburgh division of the Cadillac Club. Each club has to mechanically engineer their own siege weapons, and flails. If they can not do this they can opt to take the “physical challenge”…

The mechanical engineers


Hurtin Feelinz Prez Y0!

oh boy…