New guy

What’s going on Peter? How’s that GTI looking? Me you and Jer will have to hit up Donnie’s one day after work.

haha donnie’s! the gti is starting too look like a car. just need to paint the bumpers. fuckers keep on cracking. just needs to warm up out there so wetsanding and buffing can start. we need to organize an oakaland meet.

WELCOME BACK… what was ur username?

I’m trying to think what my pa street racing name was. I know I had multiple ones since I forgot what one of them was. Something about a monkey is kind of coming back to me. I did not post much, bascially just making sure showtime, gearhead and peterock were staying in line… All three of those kids are trouble. I make an occasional appearence - I was with showtime one night when we went out to dinner with a bunch of you guys. One of the hybrid guys got pulled over and had an expired sticker but the cop let him go, some random guys trying to pick a fight. Some “ricers” rolling up and trying to start shit. Some old dude and his wife flipping everyone off from thier mustang - I guess those are pretty regular happenings so that might not give you any clue of the night. Occasionally out at the park. But since me and Showtime are old ass men - 30 for me in a coupld of months - I don’t make it out as much as I should. Plus that would cut in to my time of breaking stuff at showtime or gearheads place.

psshhhhh… bullsh*t :angel: