New Here...well...not really

Hello everyone my name is John. Im new to this forum but not the car scene. I used to be a permanant fixture on ubrf. I used to be heavely into modding and swapping Hondas, then it was BMW’s. I live out in the southtowns and I drive a 2001 BMW 330i. I hope to gain more information about cars and Ill give a helping hand where I can.

Welcome. :wave:

What was your UBRF name? It’s been so long I can’t even tell if your user name here was even on that site, lol.


Nexissaccordlx, I rememer you…u still have the z?

UBRwhat…? :lol:



yo yo

hello johnny

pics of the bimmer :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, the super tall guy, lol.

I sold the black one, still have the pearl one :tup:

Hey there :tspry:

welcome :wave:

what up kid


thats hilarious…lol

oh, hey!

you scammed a bunch of my friends but your daddy keeps you safe!

and now that you’re a cop you can just scam scam scam!

glad you represent Erie County’s Finest!

i’m going make sure you get banned.


Whats the background on this story? Cubancrisis part deux

this dude is the pinnacle EA scammer. i’m surprised he even had the balls to sign up on here considering so many people hate him.

IN for circumstantial banning…

Haha, cant wait to see the outcome of this. Welcome