New Indoor GoCart Track in Amherst

i’ll be there at like 9

I wanna see if we can get a larger discount if we come in large groups.

I wanna do that sometime soon. maybe after tax returns

Lets not be 30 minutes late this time ROFL.

but should you really? i think you should take those funds and build an e30. im building a cb7 :slight_smile:

lol, i’m going to be there earlier to talk about my application :slight_smile:

Will the hours allow a lunchtime crew to play? Noonish?

they open at 10 i think.

Anyone else in for 9 tonight?



get out and go!

never would i walk away from danny’s immaculate breasts


You’re right, you’d run.


anyone wanna head down tonight around 8:30?

got shit to do tonight but tomorrow def

Not sure if anyone mentioned this - I highly doubt it, I’m the only hyper-critical graphics nerd here, I think…

They had a temporary sign hanging up. It was impossible to read from the Blvd., and I have 20/15 vision (with contacts). So, it’s been replaced with their illuminated permanent sign. HORRIBLE design. The text is thin, and about all you can read from the 290 exit (perfect view while waiting at a red light) is the name, “AJ’s.” You can barely make out “Grand Prix.” I think this is a perfect example of not giving the graphics work to your kid, or the only guy you know with Photoshop. I guess it goes well with their bad Web site.

They will have to survive on word-of-mouth, because once that rented yellow sign by the street is gone, no one will know what AJ’s is. It’s a shame, really. I’d do some design work for free, if it meant I don’t have to see the current sign anymore. :slight_smile:

I am with you Pumice. One of the owners owns a software company, but it doesnt look like they have any good designers. I actually spoke with the owner tonight for awhile, obviously I couldn’t really say much about the bad design work (without offending). I basically told him that I would be willing to help him out with anything… so who knows what will happen. It would have been a fun branding opportunity and I think they could have attracted even more attention with some nice design work.

However, there is a pretty good demand for a cart track such as this in WNY, so they should succeed either way.

Like I said, they’ll have to survive on word-of-mouth. Who knows, maybe they’ll read this. Replacing the graphics for the sign wouldn’t cost them a fortune. I think it’s never too late to make a better impression.

I agree with you. Once the sign in front is gone, they will lose a lot of exposure. Not sure if they are able to put a permanent sign out front, but I would hope they do if they could. And something that is more eye catching that what they have now. I wouldn’t think they are lacking funds. There has been a steady crowd of return visitors there for $20 a pop… It’s an investment they need to make.

nyspeed gokart league much?

Why are you so bad at the english?