New Job

started my new job today. detailing interiors for Fisher Auto Sales in north versailles. start at $6 an hour.

tell him you need a raise

lol. i helped clean shop this morning from like 8:30-9:30. then i helped detail a civic. ate lunch. did a 4 door blazer. and finished up on a toyota pickup. overall good day.

guess thats right down the street for you

how big are they ?? they sell any used pontiacs or cadillacs ???

thanks for reminding me why i live in ocean city.

yea it is down the street. and im 16, so that 6 goes a long way, lol. about what they sell, anything between F150s to mercedes benz’s. theres a beat to crap grad prix, like 93 in the back. body and int are shot, but engine and trans are great. the dealer is midsized. not a big chain dealer. you can see it on rt. 30 in north versailles. you will see dunkin donuts coming from the east and then the dealership. from west, you’ll see sunoco on left then dealer.

fuck yeah… 6 bucks an hour at 16 is a good bit of money! good luck and work hard!

dis mang speaks da truf!

Congrats, more power to ya.
I remember making around $5 an hour and loving it. Now I wouldn’t take a job for less than $37 an hour, but would probably hate it in a matter of months.

under the table???

i used to deliver newspapers for like $35 a week.

i started at 4.75 when i was 16… made it to 5.45 by thetime i was 17 :kekegay:

15-16 - 5.15 at Foodland
17 - 6.00 At Service Merchandise
18 - 7.00 At Circuit City

that seemed like a lot back then! I made more during the summer jobs but those were the ones during school. kinda crazy

16 - 17: $8/hr doing construction
18: promoted to $9 and became a foreman on a job between high school/college
19 - 21: $5.75 + commission at NTB, worked out to be around $8 average
21 - present: $12 and trying to find better

i am just shy of 5k a month tax free

15-16 Dishwasher, $4.75 under the table.
17-18 Wal-Mart Cartpusher/Overnight stocker $6.50/$7.50
Been in AF since 18, making $1800/month nowadays. Don’t know hourly wage.

12: Dishwasher at Crewsers for $4.25/hr
13-16: Produce Clerk at my dad’s shop for $5/hr
16-19:Various mall jobs for $5.25-7.00/hr
16-23: Various pizza/chinese delivery jobs averaging $600/week.

23-? Real estate agent, $? (1.75-3.5% commission on all transactions)

12-13: Dishwasher @ Oak yaught Club. 6.75
14: Cooking for yaught Club 8.75
16: Car Wash 7.25
17: Red lobster Bus/Dish 9.00 hr after tips
18-19 Quaker Steak Expo/Cook/Dish/Bus/Bitch, At least 12-14 on busy days after tips.
^This is when QSN’L used to be busy

15-16: Dishwasher…minimum wage
17-20: Summers: Pendot 10-12 an hour
In School: movie theatre 6 an hour