New Lens = Photo's

Do you know a lot about photography? … Its all different effects that you get with different lenses, etc.

in what way?

he knows nothing about everything so dont take it personal

Exactly what I was thinking.

I know at least that

just the focus on far and near items. your last pics I seen I remember seeing far and near items in focus and pretty clear. dont see it on this lens.

blow me

Thank you … you just proved my original post. Have things in focus, while background or frontground is out of focus, is the total point. Go play with a disposable camera and shut the fuck up

go fall asleep in the middle of sex again, then post it on PS like people care

thats what i thought looked cool about the pics. i dont know anything about photography but i would like to start learning once i get a nice enough camera

i didnt take it personal.
the pics are like that because of the new lens, the dof (depth of field) is more defined. its fun to use sometimes.

yah i think im going to purchase one of these lenses for my camera, been thinking about it for awhile now… yours is a fixed 50 too correct?

I didnt want you to take it personal, just sayin I thought the other pics looked better

u r correct sir

picked one up at a local camera store today, used for 30 bucks… (can you say steal??)

thats a really nice picture. and i dont know shit about photography and i even know the lower appiture (spelling is fubared on that one… i know) the more light is let in and smaller of a focus field. the higher the app. the higher focus field and the more light you need. or longer shutter speed.

what brand is it?

$30 bucks … Damn you Nick!!! … BTW did you get my PM?

Nikon / Nikkor


As for the pictures, looks to me that you got the effect that your looking for. have fun, and post more pictures.
I hate taking pictures at night w/ no tripod…
^that picture I got some crazy lens flare, pretty neat.

i had some lens flare with mine as well. i have a hood but it is for a 58m lens. i am buying a 52 mm one