New Lens = Photo's

^ the truth. i play around with the AF and if it gets just to where i want it i put it on MF to keep it in that focus spot. still, i cant trust that AF at night.

i need to start doing photoshoots for people so i can get money for my slave flash fund. pocket wizards speedlites and umbrella’s arent cheap :frowning:

first and formost thing…is get the focus OFF the shutter button and put focus on the * and make the shutter button Exposure lock only.
I think its custom function 4-1 on the XT…I cant remember. It will make your world a LOT easier. you can get your focus then lock exposure then recompose if needed to get the shot you want without messing with the focus again. but also always use the closest focus point to your target to limit recompose and focus drift from movement. Also dont let the camera choose for you and use the center focus point mainly unless a different point is needed for the shot. Stay out of AI focus as well…its a joke and only use One shot and AI Servo modes

I didn’t know I could use the shutter as an exposer lock … Thanks!

I need to go practice these night shots. For those being my first attempts I don’t think there horrible … But no where up to par ethier.

they looked fine to me…10sec in Noise ninja and a few sec adjusting highlights and levels and they would be perfectly fine

Thats funny I was playing around with the camera mount in my car awhile ago. The settings were off I think I could have cleaned up the shots a few more adjustments. When I get bored again someday I’ll give it another shot.

best shot i took with the camera mount. i havent taken any night shots with it yet. maybe tonight

but i mostly use it for video

True the AF on the XT sucks. I try and leave it on center focus. Gain my focus, lock it and then recompose. Kinda annoying but beginning of next year I won’t have to anymore. Gonna be switching over to the darkside.

You can buy my 1DII instead of going with the over noise reduced cameras…I am getting a 1DIII probably soon. I keep hearing of talk of a 1D IV in feb since the new Digic IV is out and they probably wanna clean up the AF focus mess from the 1DIII

I think this hobby is dangerous. I added up everything lastnight I have owned in the past 3years with Photography and I spent 12grand already. Its just going to get worse cause I am getting the 1DIII soon and also going to video as well getting the Canon XL2 video camera

I’d have to think about it. The d700 has alot of great features that I’d put to use quite often. My biggest selling points are the fps with the grip, wireless transmission of photos to a computer.

what about th new 5D Mark II
21mp, 1080P movie mode with autofocus, AF micro adjustment, ISO up to 25,600 and it has native ISO 6400 that looks cleaner then XT at 1600, sRaw mode 1 and 2, can shoot at 5 and 12mp res i believe and has pixle binning for those and will make ISO performce even better from what I understand, fps isnt very high only 4fps, I would imagine teh detail and resolving power of teh 5DII will beat out the D700 no problem and the 5DII body only cost 2600…cheaper then the D700…I think thats retarded you have to spend up to $300 more for a grip and battery to get an extra 1.5fps

when that dropped its what made me switch to nikon. It doesn’t have enough fps. It does suck that you have to pay $300 for more fps, but atleast you can bump up the fps.

I’ve shot with a 40d and loved the fps. 4 fps just won’t cut it for what I need. When I was looking for a camera body I wanted the more fps and the best high iso performance. I don’t have the cash to drop on the top of the line bodies but the d700 fits me quite well. I also like CLS. 51 AF points as apposed to 9 what the 5d mkII has.

Only thing that I don’t like is the fact that there is no distiction, other than price, what their pro glass is.

well…if you go nikon you and if you like Primes then forget about them…there is no 85 1.2, 50 1.2, 35 1.4 and the 24-70 is SOOO much more then the canon and their pro glass cost alot more

Yeah I know about the cost factor. I’m not a big prime user. I’ll probably just pick up the 24-70 and an 80-200 and call it a day. I shot a wedding with that and loved it. Found my self a 70-200 f2.8 the most.

As for their primes with a super low fstop I wouldn’t even be buying them if I was still shooting Canon. If I were to pick up any prime it would be a 85 f1.8. I would pick up a WA prime though.