I’m going to register and sell a magnetic version.
I’m sold.
Dude im gonna get one of those for my tire.
i already got one…its called a tow-hook
so if i get one, chick’s will lick my bumper??
unless im guaranteed a blow job, then fuck that
:lol: So where exactly is your car’s taint?
somewhere near the tailpipe
Gas tank, or should i say Gas taint!!! OMGROFL!!!11!1!ONE!!JUAN!111!
i have a 95 fbod. so the entire rear looks like a giant taint. ill probably just put 1 big clamp on it.
The tailpipe itself would be a Prince Albert.
As stupid as that looks, it will sell.
I sincerely hope that you are wrong.
I’d rather see these than bi-level aluminum spoilers. At least their not faking function.
i think i’m going to attach a spoiler to my spine
^^^ duck whatchu talking about look at your ducky, lol spikes and pierce
but jesus this is ridiculous WHO THE FUCK CAME UP WITH THIS