New Me!?

I can relate to this post… My wife saw a pic of me in HS (when I was 5’8", 160 and 5% BF, six pack, 37" vert, etc) and said something to that effect after I ballooned up close to 200…

I’ve always struggled with a bad diet (as a result of upbringing, we never ate a lot of veggies, and lots of fried stuff in our household), then college and all you can eat cafeteria meals just killed me. It was more like the freshman 35 for me. Was probably in the worst shape of my life during my Masters, just 6 years after graduating HS…

Long story short, I’ve seesawed, hitting around 200 then bringing it down to 170 then gaining it all back before my own wedding thanks to stress/job travel/lots of wining and dining clients paid for by “the man”.

I didn’t have a debilitating injury like what you experienced, so I’m sure this is even tougher on you. But keep at it.

To make a life change, I’m doing something very similar- back in the gym for over a year now and doing 85% cardio… Not counting calories strictly but just making better choices. Thanks to that and some discipline, although I started as a couch potato (my definition: could not run one mile in 10 min) now I can easily do a 5K run. Also try to play tennis as much as I can and just added rowing to my cardio.

As for the time thing, I tell myself there is no excuse. I used to tell myself “oh I travel a lot” etc but I just packed sneaks and shorts with every trip and work out in Hampton Inns or whatever, so I’ve managed to pull at least 8 miles a week out of my a$$ whether I’m at home or 5000 miles away. Case in point: This has been an exceptionally busy week, considering we have a two day old at home and there is a 19 month old running around, plus a recovering mommy busting my a$$ left and right.

In the midst of like 8 nappy changes / all-hours feedings, though it’s the ONLY thing I’ve done for myself the past two days, I managed to hit the “Y” twice already and clocked 8 miles on the erg.

Great progress, good luck, and keep at it man… :thumb

I can definitely relate.