Where in the hell is Auggie?

Where has he dissapeared off to? I havent seen a post from him in SO long. I miss the smartass. Anyone know?

He’s wicked busy doing real work / travels a lot these days.

He’s also like 48.

Still shoulder pressing reps of 315LBS and jogging 3 times a week. :slight_smile:

Sorry folks. I am being promoting at work so my responsibilities just went up 23023492340293409243%. How is everyone?

wat? pics or it never happened

Never happened? Do you think I am trying to impress a forum with a 999999999999999999999999999999999999999:1 ratio of d00ds to broads? :lol

I powerlifted for years while playing college football. I was benching around 43X before I hurt my knee. :wink:

You could try to impress me, but we’re not even friends anymore. I’m still mad at you.

:rofl Serves you right for not being around. I’m arranging 2010 Yankee tickets soon, you’ll be getting a phone call. :hug

What did I do?! Beings being MIA? :ohnoes

Why 2010? Playoffs are coming champ. :slight_smile:


You’re on strike two.

Racing every weekend from now through Oct. :frowning:


Bah. Aren’t you in Virginia!?

Yeah but NYC isnt far. Come down to Camden when the Yanks are in town too.

Definately doable. Tickets are also much cheaper. I might get shot in Baltimore though. :lol

So, cliff notes on what I missed?!

Failvis is back and has been joined by two other clowns, aka silveradowman and some other nitwit who I havent bothered to remember his s/n.

Other than those IMO large events, the same old crap just a different year I think it is for you now…

Thank you!

Wow. Failvis. I think JClark started that? By far the funniest nick name I have ever heard in my life.

Anyhow, I need to view threads regarding this. Worth my time? I have minimal time but this might be doable while I take a shit via my blackberry.

Travis’ return may be worth your time just for the humor, but not via BlackBerry. Too annoying and too much scrolling and searching. Pretty much, he made an assumed name, tried to pretend he was a new member, but gave himself up with his mannerisms.
Silveradouche was the one delivering trash to PJB’s truck, not really worth reading about or wasting your time on.

ive put up 405, dat was hard nuf. then i tore my peck the week after repping 315 on incline. that was almost 1 year ago actually.

Wait. Did I read this right?

  1. Created fake account
  2. Pretended to be someone else
  3. Got caught based on his posts
