new member

Hey all!
New here.
Wnated to say wats up
Have a Sentra '01.

Hey welcome to the site

welcome welcome…is it stock? pics pics??


what package do u have???

Welcome, welcome


Thanks for the support
my ride is pretty stock
It is GLX Touring trim silver
does the job, I love it b/c it is so efficient and reliable.
pics as soon as I take some.

Hello APOH and all! :drivin

I just signed up this morning. Researching ‘auto tint’ for my '02 Sentra XE (all stock, sorry) got me “Auto-Link” and the rest, well, is history. After checking out Auto-link and some of the positive chat on this site about them, I am deeply considering bringing my business to them (and I was considering Tint King-whew!).
Well, I got lucky on both counts, found this site and people who know about Nissans. Now I’ll see about getting my stock Sentra some eye-appeal.
Mechanically, it’s very sound. Just passed another E-test with flying colours with 100K on the odometer. Actually, the guy that did it, claimed that the numbers look like something that belong to a new(er) car. Cool.
So I have Auto Links in my sights, anyone know a decent and reasonable mechanic for general maintenance? I think my fuel filter could use a change, but the damed thing is in the tank. Why Nissan, why?