new member

Hi there. It’s me Luther. Please to meet you guys.!

I am assranger?

who you be???

Why is this in for sale section?



…nevermind my cocky comeback lol 'for it being in the for sale section "lol


For the duration of your visit; Please have your seat belt fasten at all times and remain calm. :rofl

Best description of what he’s about to endure to date! :lmao

Is this dude even for real?

Seems to me he is a Hudson Valley kid or similar as there are 3 other unique users registering from that same IP.

guy is on more forums than I thought existed

Good call :rofl

Must be some sort of “smart bot”

Wow, cleaned up the unintentional cleanup (sorry bout that)- yes, spambot for sure:

username, ip, and email all returned many spam post references on many forums.

Well played sir, well played.

Moved to trashbin.