New Member

Welcome! Enjoy your stay which usually doesn’t last long for new members when said “characters” scare them off LOL.

Yeah, posted an album on my profile, check em out and give me some feedback.

May have a photoshoot later this year with my father who looks to be buying an M3.

Here’s a picture for you guys.

Talk to killerbird on here about a shoot, best work around.

Check any thread in photosection under KillerBlackBird for results.

CFDphotography is another option. I assume Autofucusphoto is your primary camera man?

He is. I know him personally, and we’re good friends. Been to alot of events together. Here’s a picture of my friends M3 that I co-piloted on the way down to Bimmerstock 2011:

Are you actually friends with him or have you just met once? legit question.

My friend and I have been all up and down the east coast in that M3, so many great memories.

Friends with whom? Derek? Yeah, I know him very well.

Great plate on the M! :clap

Have you, or anyone else on here seen it? Its an amazing car.

Very nice 335. Get the jb tune in there ASAP.

Thanks, but I have a few ideas in mind…not sure if thats on the to-do list.

Looking at an intake, and new exhaust for now…along with some exterior parts.

The best BMW is 1000cc RWD. :rofl

Welcome fellow BMW owner/enthusiast. Are you an elitist prick like some may claim I am?

Had a feeling you’d say that with that signature of yours :wink:

Haha, all depends. Some kid in a trashy late 90s subaru legacy wanted to race me on central last weekend. He lost, rather badly.

Best race I’d had was against an 05 Subaru STi from the crosstown onto 890 going towards the thruway. As I’m sure you know 890 is where the cops love to catch people, and doing 120 on there isn’t ideal. We were in a dead heat, but I passed him on the highway, and got off at the highbridge road exit to prevent a cop spotting us, and he waved and his girlfriend blew m a kiss and they went on their merry way.


I thought it was pretty funny as well. :rofl