new movie trailer of mine -the camping trip

so i went to the adirondacks for 4 days or so, drove there in my wittle del sol…and i took about 93 video clips with my point and shoot nikon cam…i plan to make a video diary of goin to the place ive gone 26 times or so with my fam… the final video will be pretty long, showing all the stuff we traditionally do up there, but for now i put this together for fun to just give a quick glimpse-

micah i hate you

:clap: I ENJOYED IT…

LOL @ the tunnell

i just realized that the tunnel scene i should have done quotes from clockwork orange, when the old guy is like “TRY THE WINEEEE” and “FOOOD. ALRIGHT”

What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.
Some men you just can’t reach…
So, you get what we had here last week,
which is the way he wants it!
Well, he gets it!
N’ I don’t like it any more than you men.

as in from.

would have been perfect with the tunnel echo

oh and when i got pulled over, he used his SIREN 46 in a 30

and i had a nail in my tire hours later with the flat tire

lol wtf, i did chuckle a little when the red canoe hit the side of the tunnel

LOL i noticed that too 2nd time around watchin the final product

o gawd the final vid i think i will split up into chapters, cuz theres so much more

i want my KEYCHAIN!

ull never get it

Sweet vid

up on youtube

Yeah, I am going to show this to the top management at my company and say, “Yeah, that’s the guy that took the new pictures of our product that will be displayed globally.”