new pa laws

New Laws Affect Pennsylvania Drivers

John Shumway

(KDKA) PITTSBURGH There are three new traffic laws that will soon be affecting drivers on Pennsylvania’s roads.

Officials say the Steer Clear Law is just coming into enforcement.

The new law states that if you are approaching someone who is on the side of the road you need to move over a lane or slide over as far left as you can and slow down.

“Those who failed to do so could face up to a $250 fine and if it results in an injury they could face a 90-day suspension of their license,” Shawn Houck, PennDOT Safety Coordinator, says.

Another law deals with completely clearing your car of snow and ice during winter weather.

“That film of ice can weigh hundreds of pounds and if it slides off a car or truck and hits you in the windshield or walking along the highway it can kill you,” Houck says.

The fine for this law starts at $200 and goes to a $1,000 if someone is injured.

And then there is the Wiper Headlight Law that takes effect in January.

This law says that when a vehicle’s windshield wipers are in use the headlights must also be on.

Houck says it’s all about seeing and being seen in low visibility.

The headlight law carries a fine and cost of $100.

first one will help me while im out loading and construction and utility workers. absolutely agree with this… 110%

2nd one thank gawd for garage :moon:

3ed one i agree with but i can just put rainx on the windshield and the lights wont really have to go on.

when do these start i may have missed this. (just saw it says soon)

So these are the “common sense” laws?

And what does completely clear mean? I’m sure as hell not running a brush over my paint to get every last bit of snow off. I understand their intent, but sometimes I think they make up new things just to justify their job.

yeah, they all seem like common sense laws to me too.

im sure they do mean to brush it off the paint, no one in hell i am doing that either.

I wonder what would happen if the person neglected to put their hazard lights/parking lights on? I almost rear-ended a car pulled over in the right lane that didn’t have any lights on and there weren’t any street lights on the road, gotta love fl. I was doing about 50, the speed limit was 45. Luckily my mom saw them in enough time and I swerved. Man I hate florida drivers. That’s probably the only thing I miss about pittsburgh.

what happens if it is their altinator… and they have no power left what so ever. the car just died. or a fusible link that blew… thats what i see everyday… :finger2:

I pretty much agree with all of them too, especially cleaning off your car in the winter. Ive gotten a cracked winshield from a huge chunk of ice flying off the top of someones car with nowhere to swerve, plus dozens that ive dodged. Add another big old scratch to one that hit my roof the night I picked it up after having the roof painted bc of a rock that chipped it down to the metal and rusted on a 2 month old car. Would suck to get fined for it tho.

Ohio already enforces these laws on the interstates. Its a good law… but common sense. Its sad they have to make laws for something so simple.


well i got news for mr pa lawmaker, there is no way in hell that i am going to climb to the top of my cargo van for work and clear it all off working around a ladder rack and everything else. all the other ones i agree with though

and the steer clear law also protects first responders, emts, cops and firefighters.
you would not believe the assholes that refuse to move over nor slow down when there is an accident/emergancy situation on the side of the road or in one lane. we have had some close calls.
please pay attention when you come up on a scene like that. we’ve got enough on our mind, let alone having to look out for idiots refusing to stay clear.

I heard PA was going to get cameras at lights - if you run a light it takes a pic of your plate and sends you a ticket. I have already gotten use to it down here, it’s funny to see the light go off on other cars ha ha

it better take a pic of the driver too. i’d fight it tooth and nail that it wasn’t legal.
who’s to say i let 1320 borrow my truck, he runs a light and i get the ticket b/c it was my truck.
i didn’t do anything wrong, my truck didn’t do anything wrong. it was the driver…
same goes for the "unmanned radar stations. they only took pics of the plate as the car drove by. never made it past the trial stage in pa.

not sure how they handle that here, but the counties get lots of $$ from drivers, so I’m sure it’s only a small loophole for them

I agree with the steer clear 100%. Split a lower rad hose on 22 outside of Blairsville. That was almost suicide trying to replace it.

seems to be just another bunch of lame ass excuses to take even more money from people.