New post-IPO GM ad... "We All Fall Down"


Saw this for the first time on Thanksgiving, I like it. Thanking the taxpayers for helping save them from collapse, and it seems relatively sincere. Of course, I also like GM. I imagine half of you are still gonna be hatersgonnahate.gif

It’s not a matter of hating though I am against bailouts. That said…if the bailouts worked and they didn’t cause us to “all fall down” again in the near future I’d be ok with it for that ONE TIME I suppose. The problem is the issues still remain that got GM in a world of shit in the first place. They are also getting massive tax breaks which bothers me quite a bit, because that $ has to come from somewhere to service our national debt. Where will it come from? HRMMM. The GM pension/retirement system will devour the company and tax payers in general in the future…that’s something I think we can bank on. Why is it most the employers with unions also typically run pensions? 2 very archaic and out of touch systems that lead to entitlement and unrealistic expectations…hand in hand.

I also find the ALL fall down somewhat ironic. Freudian slip perhaps? :wink:

when do we get our money back that paid millions in bonus checks?

It’s coming…check’s in the mail.
I find it ironic that they feel a commercial (one with no doubt loads of royalties paid out) is a good way to thank tax payers. How about spending those millions in making changes, modifications and bettering your company?
Guess I am a hater after all. LOL

one tires of paying for someone elses mistakes i suppose…