New Psychiatric disorder: Internet Addiction,2933,339188,00.html

Internet addiction is a “common” mental disorder and health officials need to recognize it as such, said Dr. Jerald Block in The American Journal of Psychiatry; it is being reported by
Block claims Internet addiction has three subtypes: excessive gambling, sexual preoccupations and e-mail or text messaging.

“Internet addiction appears to be a common disorder that merits inclusion in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,” Block said in the journal.

Internet addictions have these components in common: excessive use, withdrawal, tolerance and negative repercussions, Block said.
Then, addicts develop a tolerance to a certain level of technology, making them want to upgrade software and hardware, he said in the Journal.

As a result of Internet addiction, people often suffer from social isolation and fatigue.

I so have that.

I have that.

The 1st step is admitting you have a problem.


Oh yeah … I gots that disorder

ya so they can say hey “buy our meds to cure yourself!”

can i get disability from this disorder?



I am not soo sure I fall under that. I’m online alot but I also travel across different parts of the country very frequently and I don’t worry about it when I’m on the road. Or when I’m on the bike etc…I’m sure Gary would disagree :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder what drug they’ll try to impose on me this time…

i’m not only a client… but the founder.