For the nerds that that dont understand addiction...

well addiction like crack…

now you know



We’ve run into some issues with bringing up the realms. We hope to have them live as soon as possible, but we don’t have a current ETA to provide at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we’ll provide an update as soon as possible.

servers need to go uppppppp =(

boo i wanted to play tonight too haha

>_< a new patch = down servers + random shoutdown\lag for a week. Anyone on drak’thal?

Not to mention all the UI changes. I’m gonna have to totally rebuild my ui /cry

wow, you people need to leave your houses

On the bike for like 8 hours yesterday - thruway was suprizingly warm at 10pm… =D

since starting my new job in august i’ve gotten 2 co-workers and their young children addicted to the game.

Why haven’t I chimed in yet? FFXI > WoW :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re getting slow in your old age :smiley:

This is one of the reasons that I’ve never started playing WoW, or FF XI, or Ever Crack, or UO, etc… I know I would be become addicted. Maybe I’m missing out on something, maybe not, but I need to spend more time with my right hand, err… I mean girlfriend… oh wait, I’m single… right hand it is then!

I LOVED PROJECT ENTROPIA, then I realized my wallet was always empty…