New Racing Anime...

Midnite Wangan - stars a Nissan S30 Z

Looks pretty good, better than torqless wonder and wonder boy get handfed victory after victory. This one has cars with BALLS, twin turbo l28 S30 Z, Porsche Black Bird, GT-Rrrr, other nissan i dont know about. Word here is NISSAN…

Check it out. Cool to see a nissan taking the lime light for a change other than the over played GT-R.

I’ll upload the entire show on youtube and post it here. You can make what you want. I think there was a ps2 game made for it.

Where did you find it!!! I was looking at basically all the torrent sites and I can’t find it!!!

Yes…I’m an anime geek…and the game is wicked too and I can’t find it either!!!

obviously you did not look hard enough. try searching for [omfg]. I think i still have the torrent file. when i get home i will post it for ya.

I usually find the stuff I want via tokyo tosho or boxtorrent[OMFG]_Wangan_Midnight_-01%5B7DC7CD86%5D.avi.torrent

Damn… I wanna know what happens to those signs!

How do you get it to work? Do I need torrent?

uTorrent/bitTornado should work. Or use regular bittorent.




you can watch it directly from here.

Download azereus v2.5, its the shit
You’ll have to learn how to use it though
Torrents >>> limewire, kazaa, etc.

hmmm learning how to use something sounds scary, I’m not to 1337 with computers

It is a japanese Christine!!

just get regular bittorrent easy as 123

The only thing I do on the computer is download torrents and read forums.
I’m a computer dumbass too, but torrents are easy.

That sums up all i do too. What’s the max. you can dl a month before the start sending you notices?

I’ve reached that point once and it asked to donate. I pressed no. The End.
I download a lot of TV shows because i’m too lazy to tape and fast forward through commercials myself. Plus full album downloads are pretty sweet.

i think he meant isp?? prolly 60gb/ month. for tv shows your best bet is to join a pay site. 25usd a year. these always have seeders and transfer is always optimal. they also screen new torrents so you know the quality is above average, if not, they let you know.

episode 2[OMFG]_Wangan_Midnight_-_02[833632B9].avi.torrent