New Rx-7

mmm you know it…WATTTT???

have fun rebuilding the tranny im taking trannys now its f$#%ng complicated im bringing mine into class to rebuild, with help from the teach so im going to have to drive the slower slocus around my moms sohc version, JUNK

your a crazy ***

well because im the ass to point out ur car sounded like a rice muffler . i have a nice magnaflow muffler i could sell u cheap send me a pm if ur intrested.

Do ettttttttt!!!

thats sucks rx7 are labeld as pr cars i like them but i guess everyone labels beetle’s as chics & fags cars and im neither lol

+1 to you, i was one of those people that considered all bugs gay’s cars but seeing yours changed my view completely on that…i like the rx7 too but never seen a pr driving one…i did take a pic of one in schenec. had a wing, different tails and not the “gt” rims or w/e u mazda people call it

would that fit on my car though

sure thing if you make it any exhaust fits really just gotta make sure your tunnels are straight through and no crazy loops and shit lol

you would use the tip and muffler thats about it . well i dont know i never seen a rx7 exhaust it might . if not i could bring the exhaust to inline performance and he could put it on for you and they do awsome work for really good price.

saw you roll through the lot like 23453547070952342583809 times last night, i was standing next to matt (cutsomlowz) in the silver maxima with the red wheelzzz.


where do you find this shit.


if he told you, he’d have to kill you

Im parting out a Turbo II… Buy Parts!

Just so you are aware cause it seems you are not, all rx-7s sound like complete ass.

Its just their motors. Rotaries are one of the worst sounding motors ever

hmmmmmmmmmmm no

At low rpm’s they sound like complete shit. :lol

I also think that 4ag’s generally sound like shit too and almost all hondas