New Rx-7


i swear next time i see you in that rx7 you better be side ways lol jk but really. you better be.

6 pages of NONSENSE

^^ I agree

hahaha it really is non sense but nah we def should find a spot to meet up like meet up at the lot or something then drive up to that lot me and dom went to the other night but people have to actually want to do it idk but yeah the car runs so rich haha it stinksss!!! hahaha

its normal for a rotary to they guzzle the gas, im sure youve noticed lol

where was this lot?:ninja

haha yeah tell me about it i pay so much between gas and oil lmao its insane

but idk where exactly it was but i want to find a place and meet up with a bunch of guys but i dont want it to be like peurto rican invasion rice city idk where we would though…,any ideas?

ugh dont talk about it i couldnt affor my oil change this week, so im going on 3200 miles :frowning: its ok though cause i use full syn and i looked at the oil it still looks new all highway screw school

i could always steal some from work

haha yeah i need to change my filter asap the things eat oil like crazy



mine doesnt eat it, but mine also only have 80k miles on it and 6k on the motor :wink: and soon to be 0k on the tranny, lsd :stuck_out_tongue:

AH you bastard know anyone parting out a gxl… i need lsd haha

N@@B FAIL:ban


nigggggggahhh pleaseee:beer

excuse me, sensor yourself some people may take offence to that, im part black you know

haha oh yes it shows…it shows :haha:banghead