New Rx-7

Side pipes!!!

no. I don’t have the fagass wing on mine.

Why dont we find a diff spot to hang out cause i dont even go to the lot cause i dont know faces way to many people to know who is shift and who isnt.

Park n Ride mang!:hug

idk were that is but we should deff do it then it will just be shift guys and girls there…

you guess? took all of 5 mins roflmao you + wires = fail



everyone talks about this but it never happens so that sucks

well we should make it happen… anyone near colonie meet up then go over.

wont ever happen

It will happen, you’ll just be sitting at home touching yourself sitting on this forum saying “it wont happen” whereas everyone else will be driving their cars (like they are designed for) up to the P n R.

Another cool spot would be the crossings. Its secluded from the main road and the northway is right there if people wanna do some runs. The old Circuit City lot is right by the ext. but that will draw the PR’s since they pretty much live there on the weekends. I went with my bro down that road at like 11 on Sat. Night and they were racing up and down, flashers going and all :rofl It was hilarious that these people have nothing better to do with their lives.

nah im down to meet wherever no matter how many people go, the 240 will be done in a few weeks so ill be doing a whole lot of driving and meeting places

Word, well for now its either the lot or park and ride it looks like, assuming people are down for park and ride. I know a handful that will be down, but if its just us going i’d rather just stay around my town.

same here, im assuming if people start going and we try to keep it from the PR’s we wont have problems…also we need them damn shift stickers!!!

The PR’s wont go, its too far. They’re all located in Schenectady and Albany and some I see in Colonie. The lot is close for them and their families, plus its cheap weekend entertainment. No way are they spending money on anything other than pep boys parts for their rides.

RX-7 = PR vehicle…they’ll be able to smell where it is and follow

Oh shit, this is true. Good call!:thumbup

:lol :number1

its not THAT much of a pr vehicle, when i think PR i think, accord wagons with chromes and cut springs

You know what now that I think of it I could probably pass as a PR… i’m tan enough thats for sure. :lol

It’s a PR vehicle, there’s about 3 or 4 of them that go to the lot, 2 of which are the same color as this one. When I see FC RX-7’s, I think PR.

:wtf crazy ass italians

haha :haha