Just saw the first episode and I have some hope for this season, anything would be better than the last season.
Blow your heads off with a double barrel shotgun for watching this garbage.
love it.
I think its hilarious …
Is still hit crackedout jwow
fuck it, whats the worst that could happen?
I would like to see Snooki’s bewbs out and free. Although that other chick is hotter. Whatever her name is…
Jerseylicious is epic,my roomate watches it on the regular and the drama is just as bad.But like i said jersey shore is laughs for everyone.Just funny when peeps bash the fucking show but tend to say catch phrases from the show.
This show sucks.
Hey did you hear that???
The faint sound of IQ points leaving your brain every minute you spend watching and supporting this trash.
Hope you feel good when they get into their Lambos and multi-million dollar houses… because I am sure they thank you.
^ jealously is a bitch aint it?
Stupidity pays in this country didn’t you know?
You’re doing it wrong by being sensible/logical/smart.
I just want to see ronnie beat the shit out of the shituation
So consensus is that everyone is looking forward to Ronnie leveling the situation.
x2, people flame jersey shore but LOVE Jackass…
great show, wish i could get payed carzy money to be an asshole, get drunk, fuck bitches and dance!!! hahaha
OhhKay TbagMoneyDirt, no one is jealous here… pure unadulterated hate towards a stereotypical group of people. ALL HAIL!!!
The best KK Kompliment EVAR! +REPZZZORZ
So if Adolf Hitler were still alive and used to twist up balloon animals and hand out giant stuffed prizes for ring toss games, would all carneys hate jews?
Its not the same.
The Jersey Shore chodes make (like you said) Italians look like a big group of point and laugh retards.
The Jackass people make jackasses look just as they already are! A bunch of JackAsses! LOL Yes we buy into it and they run around with Lambos’ but they havnt changed mentality wise since CKY. They just have more toys to destroy.
I’d rather drink bleach than watch this show. Then again, I hate literally all “reality shows”, and can’t find anything of value on tv whatsoever.
People wanna sit on their asses and watch other people live their lives, call it entertainment. God you or your life must be so boring if that’s how you stay amused. This is not meant to insult anyone, there are just enough people that get so fucking absorbed into it. If it’s so exciting, don’t be such a pussy, go out there and do it.
Jersey shore/jackass/Paris Hilton/16 and pregnant/Etc
A line between idiocy and genius is very thin.
If you do a stupid thing just right you can profit from it as others love to watch, judge and talk about it.
Tons of examples of that.
I can’t say Jersey shore crew is stupid, they do what they do and profit from it.
Arguably they are doing things right and we are doing them very wrong going into work everyday and saving up for retirement which only gets ruined by other idiots on wall street also making very good money. Don’t forget idiots in congress making good money either.