new shift 518er

hey guys my name is keith i love 4x4s, dirt bikes, fast cars and wreaking all of them got turned on the the forum by vlad

welcome, what kind of toys you got?

nice, i enjoy 4x4s and wrecking cars as well

i have a 2008 ford focus thats just my everyday beater, also i have a 2003 explorer project that im working on starting, and im rebuilding my xr250r top end


Who is vlad? :rofl

welcome to the forums:)

vlad owns the forum haha

nice man… +rep for having the most unattractive male name in the English language

Welcome to the forum.

Heath beats it by a long shot.

Vlad sucks. You live up by him?

Any chance you can mount stretched tires? Ollie was looking for a beast.

LEt me guess… explorer needs a motor?

no it runs good i just want it to be a little higher up with some meat eater tires and a winch just a good ole 4x4

valds awesome and i live by his shop

keith is definetly the worst male name in english

Comming from a retard???

Gettin cereal in here already.

again, who is this vlad guy?

tried to rep you cap crew… couldnt though :frowning:

Welcome but i feel name dropping this vlad fella is like dropping a bar owners name at the door no one cares and instantly treats you like a dick… jk but seriously get ready for some serious harassment and dont take anything on here seriously

I’m the only beastman on this site , who is vlad? Is he that short Russian fella ?