New to Forums!!!!

Sup Guys/Gals, kinda excited about finding this site, nice to talk to some locals in the Burgh!!!Anyways, found these forums while browsing Team Nutz™ Webpage/Store,so reps to them!!! Names Ryan, im originally from Canada but moved to the states because of reasons…Im 22 years old and am enrolled at CCAC North, and working at Neville Island Proshop (Hockey Rules!!!) Im a proud owner of a Black 07 Civic Ex Coupe =((Sadly it is not a manual)) but right now, im hoping to work on it for Showing not Racing, have some glowz already installed on the inside, but maybe some more hints, tips, or sites to get hook up with more gear. Pretty Much Raps it!!!

…hi welcome

can you guys actually sharpen goalie skates? Everyone seems to be screwing up my edges :(.

But anyways welcome clean car!



have tim do them?

and welcome eh?




What’s this civic all abut, eh?




hahaha thank you all

What’s this civic all abut, eh?

Ouch to that one :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually been sharpening for over 4 years, just give me your cut style and Ill do them clean, and measurements will be added also…so you have even edges!!!

okkk I live close to neville Ima come stop down sometime this week

Right on, hope to see yah down there (if the boss aint around ill do it for free, 8 dollars is pretty expensive for a sharpening lol)))

you play for CCAC? where else have you played?

ah, Quaker Valley, New Hampton Huskies (Bording School) and Linsly Private School!

oh yeah And CCAC inline Lol i know i know HOW SAD!!!

Welcome …

nice car you got there… welcome Sir! :slight_smile:
