Welcome …
Sweet 240
Welcome …
Sweet 240
5 posts and you can move on to other threads.
oh ok thats kinda what i figured but idk so just onemore after this lol
Nice looking hatch. I got a black one like it. I hardly ever see that body style around my way. Welcome.
you a memeber of ephatch? my sn on there is ficodecko…and do you know much about putting valve springs in lol
welcome. nice cars!
i live out by PTI so i probably see you around
oh yeah but ill be in my white civic because the 240 is down for the winter
Yeah, I hardly ever go over that way though. I check out the classifieds here and there for people in need to sell stuff fast in hopes of a deal. Sorry I can’t help with the valve springs though.
its kool i just bought some s2k rings and retainers for 80.00 shipped
ok,carry on in the other forums!