New to the forum from Saratoga

its ok Wayne. We will catch up with the cars soon man.

DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE! you finally joined!

who are you??

has anyone said mustangs suck in here yet ?

figure it out, Bob. my names comes up on this forum sometime :smiley:
guys, dont help him. i want him to realize on his own. also, wheres the red car? i still didnt get a ride in that like u promised me.

so jeff, when are u going to drive by my house? :wink: ill be waiting

car and turck look sick man. welcome

WOW, you’re really gonna play some gay ass cat and mouse game? :ponder:retardclap

LOL, I knew that was coming!!! :banghead

ok… Im lost now… Someone please tell me who this guy is…


He’s the creeper with the blacked out Audi.

its not ringing a bell…

It’s Vadim. LOL Look at ur facebook.

LOL, yea, yea, yea… I see the deal now!!