New to the forum from Saratoga

yeah ive had a fox ripped down to nothing and built back up as well. If you have some time on here or on NYmustangs check out my old build thread, called “project notch”. I really cant speak on pauls behalf, more because i disagree with all the b/s he spews about his poor car. talk to him about it LOL

LMAO, you guys are fucking great!! HAHAHAHA… I will check it out on NYM.

i found it man, that was a sick ass car!! Do you still have it? I remember when you and Adam were building it. I wish I got to see it in person! I think my next project may be soemthing similar. VERY NICE man!!

Welcome. Love the Terminator, the truck is sharp too!

Thanks man, I appreciate it.

you wouldnt have happen to be getting off exit 10 on 87 about a half hr ago towin a boat would you? if so truck is sickkkkkkkkkkkkk for a powerchoke,and sweet boat

wasnt me, sorry.

how was the bk last night man

The lot was terrible, FULL of idiots. You guys were up at BK?

big surprise

i went to BK for a minute and then went to the lot and saw only a couple people I knew… I hung out for a few and headed home. I got pulled over in Colonie :frowning:

Not many really know the lot before it’s transformation.

I thought the ricers were bad when I was there but it seems like the Bronx has taken over.

Even back in '05 and '06 it wasnt nearly as bad as it is now.

Yea, I read some of the posts and it’s just sad. The good days are over.

and it seems like everywhere the “good guys” go to meet it gets ruined somehow…

yupp somehow they find us! Funny you got pulled over, so did I. What time did you get to the lot, i didnt see either of your cars, i was down there for quite awhile.

I got there around 9:30 and left at like 10:15 - 10:30… I had the Cobra and I parked in the lower Kohls lot away from everyone… As soon as the Cops started flying through the lot and driving everywhere I had to get out of there. I went to rt 9 in latham and showed my brother a couple things I did to the car and got on it a bit and got chased down by a colonie cop…

LOL damn we must have just missed each other! I pulled into the lot at around 1030. I got yanked on the way home for leaving a light a little bit aggressively lol. Didnt see the colonie cop, on the other side of the road :banghead

He was wicked cool though, joked with me, told me it was starting to rain and to get my car home. I got lucky.

I got lucky too, I plow a cops driveway for free all winter and I had to call in a favor but its always good to have one in your pocket especially when you do stupit shit like I do… LOL

LOL Didn’t make it out the other night sorry! I got the car all done though, just took it to my buddy’s house right down the road. I wanted to see just how much of a monsoon i could get it caught in and still make it home. Mission accomplished.